the opening event of the American Space at Makers of Baghdad

Upon on a kind invitation from Makers of Baghdad, our firm, represented by attorneys Mr.Ali Haitham Majid and Ms. Sama Saud Oraibi, had the honor of attending the opening event the American Space, in partnership with the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, at Makers of Baghdad on June 29, 2024.

The event was distinguished by the presence of the U.S. Ambassador, her excellency Alina L.Romanowski, who spoke about the role of the American Space as an open area for learning and interaction in an American-style environment, offering programs and workshops in various fields such as professional skills, English language learning, entrepreneurship, leadership, and international affairs.

 Mr. Ali Taher, the executive director of Makers, also spoke about the services offered at the center, including shared spaces, media, and digital labs, emphasizing the importance of such projects in supporting youth and enhancing their skills. The event featured a video presentation on the activities, programs, and partners of Makers, along with a tour of a bazaar showcasing products from May Al-Shawaf program, and concluded with a musical performance.

We express our gratitude to all attendees and participants and extend our appreciation to Makers of Baghdad for inviting us to this distinguished event, reflecting their commitment to supporting youth and the community, and we affirm our readiness to be a part of such supportive initiatives and provide legal support for such activities whenever needed. We look forward to further collaboration and participation in such meaningful future initiatives.



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